A Symposium on “Haemophilia and Inherited Bleeding Disorder Management & latest Developments in Care” was held at FUMC on 2nd Oct 2019 as part of CPD/CME activity in Foundation University Islamabad. It was accredited by PMDC. The symposium was organized by Haematology faculty of Pathology department of FUMC / FFH Rwp. The organizing committee was headed by Prof Dr. Lubna Zafar. The symposium consisted of two sessions. The first session consisted of talks on various latest developments like gene therapy prenatal diagnosis and low dose prophylaxis. The audience was made aware of challenges in Haemophilia care, presentation and management of inherited bleeding disorders. The guest speakers included Maj Gen Pervaiz Ahmed (Retd), Dr. Tahira Zafar, Maj Gen Suhaib Ahmed (Retd), Dr. Samina Amanat, Brig Dr. Munir Akmal Lodhi and Dr. Lubna Zafar. The first session was attended by students of 3rd & Final year MBBS. The second session consisted of case presentations on inherited bleeding disorders from various disciplines of medicine followed by interactive discussions with panel of experts.